• Provide guidance on initially responding to the kidnapper's demands to best safeguard the victim

  • Provide proven negotiating strategies and techniques designed to bring about the successful recovery of the victim as quickly as practicable

  • Plan and execute the ransom delivery and victim recovery

  • Safeguard ransom using a Ransom Protection Team

Kidnap & Ransom Resolution

‘K&R’ is a particularly violent criminal act, as the objects of kidnappings are frequently chosen specifically because they are defenseless and vulnerable, and are connected to others with the means to pay a ransom.  Business executives, parents, and children are favorite targets. Virtually anyone or anything of value may be the object of a kidnapping and ransom scheme. Kidnapping is on the rise worldwide, and particularly in those countries with a history of this type of crime.

Unfortunately, many kidnappers are not professionals in such endeavors, and therefore the associated risk of harm to the hostage can be great.  Even when dealing with professional kidnappers, the risk of abuse to the hostage remains high. TridentCMG's professional kidnap negotiators can help to minimize that risk by using their years of experience to quickly come to terms with the kidnappers very early in the event sequence and establish boundaries for payment of the ransom that help to ensure reasonable treatment of the victim in captivity.

TridentCMG Capabilities

TridentCMG personnel are professionals in the area of kidnap response and have successfully resolved more than 70 kidnappings around the world, including a number of high-profile kidnapping cases.

TridentCMG will assist or manage the full spectrum of negotiations for the safe return of the victim(s), and will work with the victim’s family or company to successfully resolve the situation with the safe return of the hostage being our primary objective and concern. We will work with corporate decision-makers, insurance carriers, and interface with law enforcement when required, to propose proven negotiation strategies, protect and deliver the ransom funds, and suggest other actions all aimed towards successfully recovering the victim(s) safely with as little risk as possible.

TridentCMG possesses the skills and experience necessary to provide the best possible chance for a successful resolution to any kidnapping recovery.